The 2024 San Juan Regional Fair will be in standard face-to-face format, following the ISEF Display and Safety Regulations.
A summary of the display rules are as follows:
- Maximum Size of Project:
- Depth (Front to Back) 30 inches
- Width (side to side) 48 inches
- Height (floor to top) 108 inches (this height includes the 36 inch table it will typically sit on)
- Project must be free standing. Most students use a Trifold poster board that will sit on a presentation table. Other configurations are permitted, but the poster must stand on its own and will not be attached to a wall or curtain.
- The following forms are required to be on display at your project. No other forms should be displayed.
- Official Regional Fair Abstract
- Form 1C (if the project was completed at a regulated research institution)
- Form 7 (if the project is a continuation project)
- Photograph/Images are only allowed if the following criteria are met:
- It is not deemed offensive or inappropriate (which includes images/photographs showing invertebrate or vertebrate animals/humans in surgical, necrotizing or dissection situations) by the Scientific Review Committee.
- It has a credit line of origin (“Photograph taken by…” or “Image taken from…” or “Graph/Chart/Table taken from…”) If all images, etc. displayed were created by the finalist or are from the same source, one credit line prominently and vertically displayed on the backboard/poster or tabletop is sufficient. All images MUST BE properly cited. This includes background graphics, photographs and/or visual depictions of the finalist or photographs and/or visual depictions of
others for which a signed photo/video release form is in a notebook or logbook at the project booth. These signed release forms must be available upon request during the setup and inspection process, but may not be displayed. Sample release text: “I consent to the use of visual images (photos, videos, etc.) involving my participation/my child’s participation in this research.”
- Materials Not Allowed on Display or at Project Booth:
- Any information on the project display or items that are acknowledgments, self-promotions or external endorsements.
- The use of logos including known commercial brands, institutional crests or trademarks, flags unless integral to the project and approved by the SRC via inclusion in the Official Abstract and Certification.
- Personalized graphic/logos that are developed to indicate a commercial purpose or viability of an established or proposed business associated with the project. The only exception is a student-created logo may be displayed at the project once.
- Any reference to an institution or mentor that supported the finalist’s research except as provided in the official ISEF paperwork, most notably Form 1C.
- Any reference to patent status of the project.
- Any items intended for distribution such as disks, CDs, flash drives, brochures, booklets, endorsements, give-away items, business cards, printed materials or food items designed to be distributed to judges or the public.
- Any awards or medals.
- Postal addresses, World Wide Web, email and/or social media addresses, QR codes, telephone and/or fax numbers of a project or finalist. Note: The only personal information that is permissible to include on the display is information that is also included on the Official Abstract and Certification (Finalist Name, School, City, State, Country). Information regarding finalist’s age and grade are not permitted.
- Active Internet or email connections as part of displaying or operating the project at ISEF.
- Any changes, modifications, or additions to projects including any attempt to uncover, replenish or return removed language or items
after the approval by the Scientific Review Committee has been received is prohibited.
- Any information on the project display or items that are acknowledgments, self-promotions or external endorsements.
- Items not allowed at Project or Booth:
- Living organisms, including plants
- Glass
- Soil, sand, rock, cement and/or waste samples, even if permanently encased in a slab of acrylic
- Taxidermy specimens or parts
- Preserved vertebrate or invertebrate animals
- Human or animal food
- Human/animal parts or body fluids (for example, blood, urine)
- Plant materials (living, dead, or preserved) that are in their raw, unprocessed, or non-manufactured state
- All chemicals including water. Absolutely no liquids can be utilized in the Project Display
- All hazardous substances or devices (Example: poisons, drugs, firearms, weapons, ammunition, reloading devices, grease/oil and
sublimating solids such as dry ice) - Items that may have contained or been in contact with hazardous chemicals (Exception: Item may be permitted if professionally
cleaned and documentation for such cleaning is available). Filters (including microbial) may not be displayed unless the Scientific Review Committee can reasonably determine that the device was cleaned or was never used (please include receipts in your notebooks and/or logbooks)
12. Sharp items (for example, syringes, needles, pipettes, knives)
13. Flames and highly flammable materials
14. Batteries with open-top cells or wet cells
15. Drones or any flight-capable apparatus unless the propulsion power source removed.
16. 3D Printers unless the power source is removed.
17. Inadequately insulated apparatus capable of producing dangerous temperatures are not permitted
18. Any apparatus with belts, pulleys, chains, or moving parts with tension or pinch points that are not appropriately shielded
19. Any display items that are deemed distracting (i.e. sounds, lights, odors, etc.)
20. Personal items or packaging materials stored underneath the booth
21. Any apparatus or project material deemed unsafe by the Scientific Review Committee